Friday, December 27, 2019

A Spelling List for Job Seekers

A Spelling List for Job SeekersA Spelling List for Job Seekers0The double letters of accommodated foil many a spelling bee participant. Potential employers may not test candidates on their spelling, but they do notice misspelled words on applications, resumes, and cover letters. Not only do spelling errors give a bad impression, but recruiters may also use them as a reason to reject your request for employment. Make sure all of your application materials are error-free by familiarizing yourself with the below helpful spelling list for job seekers. The Four fruchtwein Commonly Misspelled Words on ResumesVowels sounds pose a challenge for many job seekers. You many have learned vowels a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. Y functions as a vowel, but not in laid off and paid. The sound of the middle syllable in definitely fools many people into spelling this word with an a. Dont be misled there is no a in definitely. On the other hand, there are two as in separate. When you are tempted to spe ll it with two es, remember this mnemonic published by Grammarly in an article theres a rat in separate. Action VerbsMany resume sites encourage job hunters to use action verbs to describe their past responsibilities. These powerful words add life to a resume. Why manipulierung the good effect of these words by spelling them incorrectly? Like accommodate, addressed has two sets of double letters. Advice is a noun the action is advised. The sheer number of syllables make facilitated, rehabilitated, and initiated difficult to spell. Just memorize them Pronounce the g of diagnostic so you remember to include it in the spelling.Customize your materials to the company to which you are applying. Use systematized for American companies. Change the z to an s for British companies. Dont forget the i in recruited.Employment Industry VocabularyCertain words appear again and again in job announcements. Employers want to know that you possess these qualities. Become familiar with the spelling an d definition of these words so you can describe your characteristics with confidence. Discreet and discrete are both spelled correctly, but they are homonyms. Homonyms sound the same but have different meanings. Discrete means discontinuous or separate as in a discrete variable. In the employment industry, discreet is more common. It means to have good judgment in regards to ones speech and conduct. If a job requires confidentiality, this is a quality that you want to emphasize. Though efficacious and effectual are synonyms of efficient, they are not always appropriate substitutes. There are nuances of difference between the three words. Efficacious and effectual mean capable of having the desired result, while efficient refers to functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. This article does not cover every important word. Every industry has jargon- specialized vocabulary that you should know and use. When you address a cover letter, make sure yo u correctly spell the name of the company and the addressee. If you master spelling, you remove this potential obstacle from your career path. You may land a job and a spelling bee trophyReaders, what other words would you include on the spelling list for job seekers? Share your tips with us belowGrammarly is a simple and powerful writing app with over 250 grammar, spelling, and contextual checks to help you master the English language. An everyday use of Grammarly enables error-free, clear, and successful written communication.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The only way to wake up and become unstoppable

The only way to wake up and become unstoppableThe only way to wake up and become unstoppableIts cliche to say that failure is the key to digging deep and developing your success muscles. Of course failure is key to success. And people love to talk about that fact.But how many people have REALLY failed?How many people put themselves in a ort to really fail?We talk about failure like posting 50 blog posts that dont get read or pitching your business idea to 100 people to no avail.Yes, those types of failures are completely essential. And few people will even fail in those small and simple ways.But what about losing all of your money?What about finding yourself in position where you MUST figure something out, or else you dont know what will happen? And you dont want to know.The moments that wake you upIf you havent had one of those moments that wake you up, you dont know what true failure feels like.Im talking about one of those moments where youre left with a choice. You can either giv e up or you MUST rise up.Where your behavior literally must change or else everything will crash down bad. And not just your business. But your marriage and everything else.You need to have one of those moments where you stop justifying time-wasters. Where you stop justifying playing small. Where you stop justifying spending time with the wrong people. Where you stop doing business with the wrong people. Where you stop being immature with your money and your relationships.Where you get really serious about what youre doing. And where you become hyper-committed to succeeding. Where you stop avoiding the mundane stuff you need to do.You need to feel the searing pain that will shake your system and your core. Where you have to change because you never, ever, want to feel this again. When you reach this point, you really stop caring about your external image. As Rhett Butler says in Gone With the Wind, Until youve schwefelyperit your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was or what freedom really is.The problem with becoming successful is that you begin to believe your press. And everything becomes plastic. Its all about the image, the testimonials, the brand, the accolades, and what other people think.Then you stop being willing to fail. Because if you try something new and fail, you could lose everything youve gained. Most importantly, you could lose your reputation. And then what would you be?Then how would people feel about you?Then what would all the cool people you want to impress think of you?If youre not willing to lose all the ground youve gained, youve lost the spirit that drove you on in the first place. Youve over-attached yourself with the image that has become your reality.Research has clearly shown that the avoidance of failure undermines intrinsic motivation. Put bluntly, if youre trying to avoid failure, youre focused on the wrong things. And you cant win long-term in life this way. Eventually, all of your relationships will run out. You cant sustain the show for long. Your work will start being work, because it will solely be to maintain the show. When you stop winning - which eventually you will - all of your relationships will abandon you. Because they werent really there for you anyways. Everything in your life was a mirage.Hence, the need to be extremely honest with yourself. Yes, failure is scary. But if you really want to grow in anything - whether thats a skill-set, a relationship, a business - you need to be true to yourself. It needs to be intrinsic. If its purely extrinsic - then its shallow, and those around you will only care about whats external. They wont really care about you.You dont want friends like that. You dont want a life like that.The price of growth and successBecome a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it. - Jim RohnHow do you really evolve as a person?In her research on children, Carol Dweck found that children who framed their goals as Learning Goals were more focused on mastery and proactively sought-out challenges. These kids responded very well to failure. Their goals were intrinsically based. They werent obsessed with externals.Kids who framed their goals as Achievement Goals avoided challenged and developed learned helplessness. They also avoided risks that seemed out of reach to them.Seeking specific outcomes isnt bad practice. However, it is when THAT becomes the end, rather than the growth you experience along the way and beyond.If you ever get to the point where the achievement becomes the end, youve officially lost touch with yourself and your WHY. In such a case, you are no longer interested in authentic growth and living in alignment with your values and purpose. Instead, you begin seeking WHAT-ever will make you successful. Whatever will maintain the faulty self-image you feel the need to portray to others.True friends help you learn hard lessonsSome mentors are more challenging than others. - Bo nnie HammerBad parenting is coddling your kids and stopping them from experiencing true consequences of their actions.If you never let your kid touch the stove, they have a really hard time learning. Of course, good parenting also includes teaching true principles such that a child doesnt have to learn all hard lessons through their own experience.Even still, complete protection from natural consequences is horrible parenting.Similarly, good mentoring involves creating scenarios where the learner can grow and MUST grow. Said Historian William Durant, I think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded, if the situation demanded.True mentorship is about creating challenging scenarios that the trainee could not create on their own. About stepping just out of range so they can actually struggle, fail, and experience consequences.Either they rise up to the challenge or fail - in which case the mentor steps in and gives guidance. All the while, they work synergis tically together. Because long-term failure isnt the goal. Growth is the goal. And long-term success is the goal, which cant happen at the avoidance of failure and learning - where both parties take 100% responsibility for the results.Never lose the underdog effect (most people do at some point)The beauty of continually taking on bigger and bigger challenges is that it keeps you humble. No matter how successful you become, its healthy to experience failure and defeat from time-to-time.Its good to never plateau but to continue learning and trying new things and expanding yourself and re-inventing.This keeps you continually in the underdog position - where you arent trying to merely maintain the winners position. But where you have a chip on your shoulder, and feel the need to continually show up and prove others wrong.The most potent combination is to have deep internal security, while at the same time maintaining a sense of inferiority. In the fantastic book, The Triple Package Ho w Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, economists Amy Chua and? Jed Rubenfeld explain that two of the three needed traits for outlier-like economic success are to 1) have a deep belief in self, while at the same time, 2) feeling inferior. Its a paradox. Yet, its why disadvantaged groups actually have an advantage. They feel special but also feel they must continually prove themselves. They prove themselves both as part of their value system and to prove others wrong. They let the haters be their motivators.ConclusionHave you failed enough to light a fire deep within you? Or, have you avoided the failure that would turn you into a warrior?Is your motivation intrinsic or extrinsic? Get real. Be honest with yourself. If its achievement-based, youre avoiding mastery. Youre overly fixated on your reputation.Put everything on the line. Fail enough to lose your reputation - and rise up and prove who you really are.Surround yourself with people who care enough about you to help you embrace learning, failure, and growth - and SUCCESS.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

9 Signs You Didnt Land the Job

9 Signs You Didnt Land the Job9 Signs You Didnt Land the JobHow to know when you wont be getting a call-back after the job interview. You met with fewer people.You were supposed to meet with three different people in the department, but after the first interview, they sent you on your merry way. Unless the entire team suddenly came down with the flu, dont expect to receive a call back from the company.Your interview is cut short. Perhaps your interview was expected to last an hour, but the interviewer wrapped things up in the first 15 minutes. If your interview experience went something like this, its elend a good sign.The interviewer keeps emphasizing a skill you dont have.If the interviewer continues to mention the importance of a skill you either dont possess or have little experience in, then it could be an indication the employer is looking for a different kind of candidate.The interviewer is going through the motions.When the interviewer seems disinterested in what you have to say, is asking questions that sound a little too rehearsed, or is checking their email, texting, or staring at the clock while youre talking to them, its elend a good sign.You didnt learn more about the position.If the interviewer isnt elaborating on the role and responsibilities, then theres a good chance they dont think youre the right fit for the position.You hadnt researched the company.Employers want to know you took the initiative to learn more about their organization. With the ubiquity of social media and mobile technology, theres no excuse for entering an interview unprepared.You didnt have any questions. When you dont have anything to ask your interviewers, it sends the signal youre not really interested in the role. If you cant think of at least one question to ask each interviewer, your candidacy could be called into question.You asked about their vacation policy.When your initial questions have nothing to do with the role and everything to do with the companys perks, do nt expect a call back. Employers are looking for candidates with different priorities.The next steps are vague.If the recruiter cant give you a sense of when theyll follow up or continuously mentions that theyre interviewing many other people for the role, this could be a sign that youre not a top contender.While these rules arent set in stone, if you experienced one or more of the following circumstances during your interview, it might be time to concentrate on other job opportunities.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Become a Cover Letter Writing Machine

How to Become a Cover Letter Writing MachineHow to Become a Cover Letter Writing MachineWriting an excellent cover letter doesnt have to be difficult- but it does take preparation and time. The good news? Once you have developed a stellar cover letter, you can use it as a template for multiple job applications. In this two-part post, Ill take you through the steps of writing a successful cover letter.Step One Create a TemplateIf youre sending out several cover letters a day as part of your job search, creating a customizable cover letter template will save you a lot of time and effort. The cover letter template will contain basic information about yourself that doesnt change, irrespective of the job youre applying for.First, make sure you have the correct cover letter structure in place the header should contain your address, the date, and the employers contact information (the latter, of course, will change for each letter)123 Main StreetAnytown, NY 12345July 18, 2012Employer contac t name, TitleName of CompanyCompany AddressDear Ms. SmithThe first paragraph of your cover letter will be customized for each employer, so skip that part for now. The body will contain a narrative of your qualifications, and for the most part, will stay the same for each cover letter that you write. (One exception is if you are applying to jobs in two or more different fields- in that case, you should tailor the experience you focus on to the industry you are targeting.)Starting with your current position, explain what you currently do and what youve accomplished in the past. (If youve just graduated or are unemployed, talk about your most recent experience.) Resist the urge to use exactly the same language that appears on your resume- this is your chance to be more descriptive than the confines of your resume allow.As the Web Designer for my schools Technology Services department, I design and build student group websites, using strategic hypertext markup language/CSS coding to cre ate accessible, consistent and user-focused designs. I am also exposed to database architecture and query tools that are incorporated into the websites I create. Previously, I served as Webmaster for my fraternity, managing the content and layout of my chapters website while maintaining the brand identity of a national organization. Notice how the author of this cover letter describes exactly what his responsibilities were in each position and also highlights the skills he learned. Think about the types of skills your potential employers are looking for, and make sure to emphasize exactly how you have gained those.As a camp counselor for Camp Big Lake, I supervised 3rd and 4th grade students throughout the summer. I was solely responsible for planning and executing water sports activities for my group of fifteen campers this experience helped me to develop a strong sense of accountability. Currently, as a math tutor at my universitys Academic Resources Center, I teach advanced calcu lus to my peers who are struggling with their classwork. Although it can be challenging to identify the issues that prevent a student from understanding a math concept, I find it extremely rewarding to apply my own knowledge in order to help my peers.Didnt think you could include your summer at Camp Big Lake in a cover letter or resume? Think again If you are a student or recent graduate, its completely acceptable- and encouraged- to include any relevant job experience you have, whether its waitressing at the local diner or filing papers for your parents family business. The key is presenting these experiences in a way that makes them relevant to your job search.The section of your cover letter detailing your background can be either one or two paragraphs, depending on how extensive your experience is. In describing your work experience, use words and phrases such asIn this capacity, IIn that position, I was responsible forHaving worked as a position, I am very experienced inRemembe r dont just tell employers that you have the skills they are looking for- explain exactly how you acquired them. Conversely, dont just list off your experiences- tell employers what skills you gained in each position.Your template should also include a professional-sounding conclusionI am confident that my background in web development would allow me to contribute significantly to name of organization. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to discuss this position with you further. Thank you in advance for your consideration.Finish it off with a formal signature line- options include Sincerely, Sincerely yours, and Kind regards. If you are emailing your cover letter as an attachment, you do not need to scan in a handwritten signature- simply typing your full name is perfectly acceptable.Next week, Ill explain how to customize your cover letter template to target each of your employers specifically. Best of luck

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What to Do About Template Creator

What to Do About Template Creator An eye-catching brochure is a critical portion of any organizations marketing campaign. Taking phone messages is essential since it helps your Business keep in contact with the clients. You decide the way your site is going to be shown. Utilizing a responsive site schablone is just one of the best solutions for building your own site. The Basic Facts of Template Creator This advice will be quite handy if you are making genograms using Microsoft Word. As soon as youve logged in to your Spark account, choose the Post alternative for access to the elements youll have to make a brochure. Speaking about templates, you are able to easily locate several templates about the healthcare practice such including Health History Questionnaire and Patient Satisfaction Survey. The key with Opportunities is they have to be acted on. It is possible to begin by downloading our totally free job estimate spreadsheet below. If the kind of work youre doing wou ld permit you to guarantee a maximum price, look at using a Quote instead. This template is made for service providers who wish to supply their customer with an initial estimate of the price of the job theyll perform. Go from beginning to end, go to every page and attempt to know the circulation of the whole template. You may edit everything to fit your requirements. Thus, the items of your business enterprise model you didnt identify as strengths above are the very first place to search for weaknesses. The perfect way to understand any method is to carry it out yourself, from the bottom up. The majority of people attempting to run a business simply dont have the opportunity to begin the webpage. The objective is to steer clear of surprises at the connectathon. It is crucial to bear in mind a progredienz note isnt a billing document or a means to clearly show your healthcare knowledge to the world. There are a couple of diverse kinds of progress notes. Be concise It is e ssential for you to be concise when writing progress notes. The function of Template creator could be employed to permit editing teachers to conserve Feedback templates as public for use in different courses throughout the Moodle website. IM Creator isnt only a free site maker. Web Creator will have saved your preferences to enable you to make a new page with exactly the same style as your homepage. Infobox comics creator could possibly be utilised to summarise details about someone whos a comics creator. The function of Feedback template creator could be employed to permit editing teachers to conserve Feedback templates as public for use in different courses throughout the Moodle website. Employing the rich Jive editor allows for a far better HTML content creation experience too, rather than attempting to embed a massive block of HTML within the template. Take a look around this website, its been completely built using Template Creator to provide you a sense of what is possi ble once you create your next Joomla project. On top of that, IdeaFactorie Template Creator is totally free to use. The Upside to Template Creator Storyboarding can also inspire new ideas together with lets the developer rearrange present resources before the last development begins and changes may be mora difficult to make. The content you plan on providing all has a goal. Concerning weaknesses, the somewhat convoluted website made it troublesome to discover certain details. A good deal of such templates are obtainable for free print and can easily be customizable with your own study or company data. Most Noticeable Template Creator Click the name of each color you want to modify. Remember MakeBadge dont allow everyone to create fake ID cards for any goal. Whenever your page is made, dont neglect to invite all your friends to like it. Each little company or big business in an office building makes company name badges or in different words employee badges. Template Creat or lets you set all the parameters for your new Joomla template from the text dimensions and fashion, to the way in which the template will appear on a cell device. Imagine you have made your Joomla Take a look at the demo to find out what you could do with Template Creator CK and few different extensions readily available on In Beta theres a new WYSIWIG Template Creator that you are able to utilize to construct your own customized templates. Your app is very helpful. Artisteer is quite a simple to use template creation computer software. Select the theme you need and modify all you want to make your template. The Chronicles of Template Creator An intricate template design working with an extremely comprehensive color palette is necessary. Artisteer doesnt only manage all the coding work, but additionally, it comes pre-packed with lots of pre-made designs and templates that it is possible to use right from the box. These templates may give you a head start on v arious UI designs and useful application features. Use the styles preset to provide your page an extremely wonderful design in one click. How to Get Started with Template Creator? Well, creating the 2 columns for every one of your chapters might be an overwhelming job and hence its smarter to pick the sample Cornell notes template word docthat can help you with the pre-defined and easily customizable columns. A Content element is going to be the most used element. For each module you are able to give a particular width and the template will adapt itself to all situations about the modules which youve published in your site. The template supplies a pre-structured framework for the Cornell notes system so you dont need to draft the columns for every one of your lessons from the scratch.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

9 Tools to Improve Your Business Writing Skills

9 Tools to Improve Your Business Writing Skills There is one thing that job hunters often neglect The way you express yourself in written form can determine the course of your career. You dont have to be a writer, blogger, or content marketer to be interested in boosting your business writing skills. Youll benefit from ansicht efforts regardless of the career youre committed to. One way of improving your written communication skillsis by attending a course. That would be a great thing to do if you have free time on your hands. If leid, the following online tools will help you improve your style under your own terms.1. Read-Able.comComplexity is not compatible with business writing. Your sentences and paragraphs should be brief, authoritative, and comprehensive. When you write a text, use the Readability Test Tool to calculate its readability and improve it if necessary.2. OneLook Reverse Dictionar yDo you get stuck because you cant find the rightwords to explainyour thoughts? This online tool will help you hop right over that mental barricade. Just describe the concept on your mind, and OneLook Reverse Dictionary will finda list of words you can use.3.NinjaEssaysYou need to write a resume, business report, post for content marketing purposes, or a simple email? If you dont make it perfect, you wont leave a good impression. Every single piece of content you write is a chance for career advancement. If you cant cope with the challenge, its time to think about delegation. The professional writers at custom writing service NinjaEssays can help you deliver results by any deadline you set.4. Plagtracker.comYou must never plagiarize It doesnt matter whether you are writing a business report, a resume, or an email glaubenszeugnis you cannot use someone elses words without giving proper credit. PlagTracker is a plagiarism-checking service that will keep you safe from such mistakes. A ll you need to do is paste the content into the text box, and the tool will letyou know if you got a little too inspired byan online resource.5. Infoplease Homework Center Writing SkillsYou thought that the essay projects at college were pointless? You were wrong. Academic writing is very close to business writing. Theyre both focused on clarity, concision, and factual information. If you missed the basics, a reminder wont do you any harm. At this website, youll find instructions on the basics steps of academic writing. Youll gain a nice foundation that will immediately turn you into a better writer.6. Email ExcellenceThis online tool is all abouthelping you understand the standards of writing business emails. You can get specific training based on your position. Are you a leader, an individual, or a training manager? Choose the right option and start learning how to write proper emails to business partners, hiring managers, customers, and team members.7. Men With PensThis site has an awesome blog thats constantly being updated with tips for business writing. Take the time to read one article per week and implement its tips in your writing practice. Over time, youll understand what effect you are supposed to achieve through the content you write.8. VerbixDo you struggle with grammar? Thats not a sin we cant all be linguistic masters.However, that doesnt mean you can write as well as you speak. You must write polished sentences that wont make you look silly in the eyes of the reader. Use Verbix when you have doubts about verb tenses. The online tool will conjugate any English verb in different tenses.9. WhiteSmokeHere is another tool that cares about your grammar. It works with Word, Chrome, Firefox, and almost anyother tool you might use for writing. WhiteSmoke will detect syntax, grammar, and spelling errors, and it will help you fix them.-At its core, business writing is not that difficult. If you have the idea in your mind, it will be easy to express it whe n you stick to the rules of clarity, simplicity, and form. The above-listed tool will help get you on the right track. Practice, and youll become better with time